4) THE BEACH At City Place, Downtown Punta Cana – brand new 1 bedroom- $159,500
1) RESORT-LIKE CONDO COMMUNITY – WITH A PRIVATE BEACH-CLUB From $179,000 – $183,000 – 667 sq. ft. to 995 sq. ft. Financing during the term of the construction 2-3 years maximum – SOLD OUT
2) RESORT-LIKE CONDO COMMUNITY – WITH A PRIVATE BEACH-CLUB From $210,500 – 893 sq. ft. to 1233 sq. ft. Financing during the term of the construction 2-3 years maximum
3) Attractive 2 bedroom in the beach-town starting at $195,271 – Financing during the term of the construction (2 years max)
4) SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM IN BEACH-TOWN From $156,700 – $165,700 925 sq.ft. Developer financing for up to 8 years (must be pre-qualified) – SOLD OUT
5) SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM IN BEACH-TOWN From $209,500 – $215,500 1233 sq.ft. Financing up to 8 years
*Prices will continue to go up as inventory diminishes. Other New Construction Developments, offer financing during the term of the construction period only (2- 3 years is typical).
Just about everyone knows about mortgages, or third-party financing, where a bank or other lending institution provides a loan that the PURCHASER pays back over time; However, when a BUYER cannot get financing through a lender (or just decides not to), sometimes the SELLER will provide financing to the BUYER.
Bank loans are challenging to achieve by a foreigner in the Dominican Republic if the foreign purchaser does not reside in the Dominican Republic; and/or cannot show enough proof of income, assets, does not have a healthy credit score.. Additionally, Bank loan annual interest rates can be very high between 9% -12% for a 20 year loan. Adjustable (or variable) Mortgage Rates are also common. Rates are set by the Dominican Republic’s Central Bank, which will fluctuate. Since 2008. Currently there is only one bank I am aware of offering a 20 year note at 7.0% (not including bank fees, and other strict terms). Meaning, even if you can secure a bank loan here, your APR could become a cause a default and be a financial risk to the property you are purchasing.
Owner Financing or Seller financing here operates very similar to a bank mortgage in North American (Canada and the U.S), however, are offered for a much shorter term. The BUYER pays the SELLER a pre-determined down-payment amount, then additional payments are paid, with a smaller interest amount, in regular pre-determined intervals until the loan amount is payed off.
It should be noted, Banks in the U.S. do not provide loans for property purchase in another country. This is because there are very little jurisdictions abilities by a U.S. bank in claiming the property located here, should there be a default. However, the best options for N. Americans, is (so far) they can still withdrawal any un-used equity in their home(s) to use towards the purchase of a property here.
Typical Owner Financing terms here, with a cash down-payment of 40% – 50% down, would be for 3-6 years, at 4-6% interest. Enough time to receive your investments, pension, IRA, 401K, SS, (Americans) or RRSP, CCP or OAS (Canadians) … 4-6 years could be the perfect timing for other assets to be freed up, or debts/ loans to be paid off.
The basic process usually starts with the BUYER and SELLER agreeing to the details or terms of the sale. These terms are then expressed in a written Purchase Offer (or Purchase Agreement) which must be signed by both parties before a legal Promise of Sale and Finance Contract are created by an Attorney.
This Purchase Offer will outline the details of the loan, to include the downpayment amount, the interest rate, the term of the loan, and other agreed terms and conditions (or contingencies); A default penalty will also be included for the BUYER and the SELLER should either side violate their pre-determined conditions established in the Purchase Offer, and carried forward within a fully signed Promise of Sale Contract and Finance Contract.
For BUYERS, Owner Financing has the following Advantages:
Good Question: Like a bank loan, the title would be transferred to the new PURCHASERS name(s), HOWEVER, like a bank, the title would reflect their is a loan on this property, so the PURCHASERS cannot resell the property until the mortgage is paid in full. Once Paid in Full, an Attorney will show proof of this full pay-off, and will submit the appropriate documentation to the Register of Deeds for a new title to be issued with no mortgage.
For SELLERS, Owner Financing has the following advantages:
Disadvantages? Owner Financing through our Agency, and with the assistance of our trusted legal Attorney’s, removes most all concerns or disadvantages:
Whether you are a BUYER or SELLER, Owner Financing is a very safe and viable option for purchasing or selling a property here in the Dominican Republic, and under the sound laws and jurisdictions of the Dominican Republic.
NOTE: Other countries have little or no jurisdictions as to real estate laws or penalties established here in the Dominican Republic (DR), just like the DR would have little or no jurisdiction to properties purchased by Dominicans in your country, and under your real estate laws and jurisdictions. As an American, I can proudly say Owner Financing works here. With over 100 successful owner financed transactions since 2010, we have never had a default situation, hence helping many of our foreigners dreams come true; both BUYERS and SELLERS!
All real estate contracts; Promise of Sale, Finance contracts, and the final, or Definitive Contracts, must be done by a legal firm, through an Attorney here (there is no Association of Realtors here… so there are no standardized and legal templates like in the U.S. or Canada). However, not all Attorneys are created equal. Some may not speak, read or write English, may not be from the East Coast area, nor may specialize in Real Estate law and Real Estate Sales and Finance contracts.
Since our very first Owner Financing sale back in 2010 we assisted in selling countless properties with OWNER FINANCING. We continue to have 100% closing success, with ZERO defaults or lawsuits because we are particular in selecting (working with) the best and most ethical Attorneys who understand the changing Real Estate laws here, YET who also understand North American ways and concerns. We plan to maintain this record, so we are additionally very careful in selecting the BUYERS and SELLERS we choose to work with. All these properties we sold, once the payment term was paid in full have had the liens removed from the titles with no issues. P.S. We do NOT refer our Attorney’s to property seekers/ Purchasers, who buy through others.
*This is just a summary. If you are a Prospective Buyer please “Contact Us”. We will ask you a few questions, and upon approval, you will be registered with our Agency so we can both feel more confident in our transparent relationship and ongoing communications. We can then provide even deeper advice and insight in determining IF Owner Financing is right for you.
If you are an existing property owner (Seller), and your property is already Exclusively listed with Reliable Realty SRL, or you plan to list your property Exclusively with Reliable Realty SRL, please “Contact Us”.
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